Tyra Banks Vs. Yifat Cohen
If I can watch it later, twice as fast, I will (maybe).
Martin Lindstrom is a Danish author and Time magazine Influential 100 Honoree.
I never heard of Martin until I found a package waiting by my door.
When I opened it up, I saw a book with a hand written letter in it:
Naturally, I emailed Martin back and we got to talking.
Martin loved the engagement I’m getting on my Google+ profile and wanted to collaborate on marketing his new book – Small Data.
So I sat down and read his book…
turn the book into an interactive game
I turned his book into an online scavenger hunt game, where people choose their own character and had to solve clues and riddles based on the teaching of the book.
Take a look at the pictures below to get a glimpse of what we did:
We gamified the site and drove up engagement through play.
Part of the journey was to discover where in the world was Martin, and so we hosted a hangout from an undisclosed location and invited the players to engage with Martin face to face and get personal branding advice relating to their own businesses.
Check out 01:18:50 where it turned into a real Shark Tank type of episode:
A few days later, Martin had a hangout with Tyra Banks, and when I compared views, retention and engagement it was clear to see that personal connection tramps celebrity status any time.
This is not unique to us. Just compare Lindsey Stirling’s YouTube videos and sold out shows with Joan Rivers’ show – In Bed with Joan.